Overcoming Fear of Flying with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

Understanding The Fear of Flying

Do you begin to worry when summer approaches and people start talking about going on holiday?  Or you might go into a hot sweat when you hear your boss discussing a work trip.  Don’t worry; you are not alone with this, and there is help available in the form of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), a powerful blend of therapies including hypnosis and CBT.

An extreme fear of flying, also known as aviophobia, can greatly impact the quality of life. There are many reasons people develop a fear of flying.  Whether it’s the anticipation of the flight, fear of heights, claustrophobia, concern about being unwell, safety, or turbulence, this phobia can prevent people from experiencing travel and connecting with loved ones.

The Impact of Fear of Flying

The fear of flying can prevent you from enjoying holidays or visiting family or limit career opportunities that require flying. Addressing this fear is essential for regaining control and enjoying the benefits that getting on a plane will bring to your life.

animated image of man with hands on his head in despair

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Common Symptoms of Fear of Flying

  • Intense anxiety or panic attacks before or during a flight
  • Physical symptoms such as sweating, feeling nauseous, or a racing heart
  • Avoidance of flying altogether, leading to missed opportunities
  • Distress when thinking about or planning to fly

How RTT Can Help with Fear of Flying

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a powerful therapy that blends hypnosis, cognitive behavioural therapy, and neurolinguistic programming. RTT is a particularly effective therapy for overcoming fears and phobias.  Here’s how RTT can make a difference to you;

Identify the Root Cause: In an RTT session, you will get to the root cause of why you developed a fear of flying. This will involve using regression to explore past experiences and beliefs that may have developed in childhood and contribute to your fear of flying.

Reframe Negative Beliefs: Hypnosis and cognitive restructuring can help you change your negative beliefs about flying. RTT enables you to replace unhelpful beliefs with new, empowering ones. Allowing you to view flying as a safe and positive experience.

man relaxing with headphones representing having an RTT session for fear of flying

Visualisation: You will be guided through powerful visualisations that allow you to imagine a successful flying experience. Positive affirmations will reinforce your new mindset, helping to reduce anxiety before and during your flights.

What to Expect in an RTT Session for Fear of Flying

During an RTT session, you’ll experience a transformative process designed to uncover and reframe limiting beliefs, leading to deep and lasting change.

Initial Consultation

An initial online consultation lets us discuss your fear of flying in more detail. During the consultation, we’ll explore how your fear of flying impacts on your life and what your life would look like without this fear.

Induction and Hypnosis

During hypnosis, you can access your subconscious mind and uncover the underlying beliefs that have caused your fear of flying. The session will be conducted remotely so you can relax in the comfort of your own home.

Transformational Work

In the hypnotic state, you will work on reframing your thoughts and beliefs about flying. This process involves visualisations, cognitive restructuring, and emotional release techniques.

Post-Session Support

After your session, you’ll receive a personalised recording to reinforce the positive changes you’ve made.  It is essential to listen to the recording for 21 days.  I may also provide additional strategies to help you prepare for future flights.


I have been terrified of flying for as long as I can remember. A friend recommended an RTT with Carol, as they had an RTT session for another issue, which completely resolved their problem. I had never been hypnotised before, but I decided to give it a try because I felt I had nothing to lose.
I am so grateful for RTT, as I felt something within me had changed as soon as the session ended. I have been on holiday since the session and boarded the plane without panicking. I am arranging a holiday with the whole family for next year and when I think about it I don't feel even slightly anxious.
Gemma R.
I entered the RTT session with high expectations, having read many positive reviews. I was not disappointed. Since our session, I have boarded many planes. Carol was highly professional throughout, and I would recommend an RTT session without hesitation.
Chris. T

Are You Ready to Overcome the Fear of Flying?

If a fear of flying keeps you from enjoying the adventures and experiences you desire, RTT can help you overcome this challenge. If you are ready to overcome your fear of flying, please book a discovery call.

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call

A free 20-minute discovery call gives us the chance to connect, explore your needs, and find the best approach to support you on your journey.

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